Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stats, week 2

Okay, so it hasn't been all that bad in class these past two weeks.  I had been expecting a very challenging course involving everything from easy math problems to downright complicated statistical mathmatics.  I am happy to say that I have been able to keep up with the assignments and learn some of the basics of statistical analysis.

Thankfully, I have a wonderful group that is supportive and helpful.  Although we have faced many challenges in our profession recently, we have found that not only are the group meetings needed to complete our various assignments, but it has also been a place for us to chat (or vent I guess) about the political happenings around our state.  I am blessed to be a teacher, I am proud that I have chosen to continue as a lifelong learner, and I glad to be with such a great group of professionals and friends.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stats? Ah!

I have been wrapping my head around this for a few days now, but I am pretty worried about this course.  You might think that hey, you're a musician, shouldn't you be pretty good at math?!?  Well, I never have been and dealing with numbers worries me.

I am looking forward to learning about charts and how I can add this information into my conversations as factual data and I hope that we learn how to bring firm numbers to our administrators and technology personnel to help improve our technology in our schools.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


There is one goal that I want to do with my band students and that is blogging.  I have said it before, I think it is a very useful tool and I believe the students at my school are not getting it at all, so why not in band.

I would like to see my students reflecting on several things throughout the year.  It goes without saying that all performances would have a blog post attached to it.  However, I would also show YouTube videos of performances and ask them to comment or respond in some way that relates to the performance.  I want to begin by starting up a blog post for their solo & ensemble performances and then get a reaction to how they felt the preparation was compared to the performance.  I am firm believer that the process is more important than the product and I want to help my students see how this can be fun and reflective and how it might impact their next performance.

Since I want to start one up for our solo & ensemble festival, that means my time line is here.  I want to begin this immediately.  However, in an effort to make it more realistic, I believe I will ask for volunteers on this trial basis and see how it goes.

Web 2.0 - last class

This was a great class.  I really enjoyed learning about all of the possible web 2.0 tools that are available, and also where I can go to research new tools for the future.  I plan on implementing a few of these tool very quickly.

The first tool I began using during this class is a Google Site.  I started a few sites that will coincide with specific classes I teach but the one I will use immediately will be for the solo & ensemble festival that Mukwonago hosts every year.  I am the festival manager for this festival which brings in over 1,000 students from SE Wisconsin to perform either solos or ensembles, or both, within a day and a half festival.  This is a big undertaking and I created this web site to assist students, parents, teachers with common information regarding our festival.  There are many pieces at work during this festival and it is vital to have the right information for a successful festival.

The second tool is blogging.  I plan to begin using this tool in phases and slowly incorporate it into our curriculum.  I believe it to be a vital and power reflection tool that can be used in my music classrooms.  People may think, why in a music class, shouldn't you be performing?  Well yes, but there is also a great deal of reflection that can occur to help the student improve on an instrument.  I believe that without reflection and understanding of what I just did, or just practiced or performed, there is little ways in which we can develop a plan for improvement.  As with all subjects, music and band are not different.  With reflection, and in this case blogging, positive improvements can be implemented.